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July 4th: UTS will not be operating due to Independence Holiday

Traffic Appeals Committee Request

This form is for those requesting to have their upheld citation appeal reviewed by the Traffic Appeals Committee. If you have not filed an initial appeal, please see the instructions below. 

Students, Faculty, & Staff may file an appeal by logging in to your Parking Portal using your UVA computing ID and password. Click on the citation you would like to appeal. Click “Appeal this Citation” and fill out the form.

Visitor, guests, or non-affiliates to the University of Virginia – Appeal your citation by emailing [email protected]. Please put the citation number in the subject line and the merit of your appeal in the body of the email. 

Any person who has received an "upheld" decision from the hearing officer may appeal to the Traffic Appeals Committee. The Traffic Appeals Committee is a three person committee appointed by the President of the University. The Traffic Appeals Committee decides whether a violation of University regulations is shown without presumption of guilt if there is any new evidence that warrants a change in the hearing officer's decision. Decisions are reached by majority vote and the final decision is reported to the individual. The Traffic Appeals Committee may decide to affirm, reverse, or otherwise modify the decision of the hearing officer. Any appeal to the Traffic Appeals committee must be in writing and received by the Traffic Appeals Committee with 14 calendar days from the date of the hearing officer's decision. For good cause shown, the above time period may be extended by the Traffic Appeals Committee. The appeal must be signed and must state the merits of the appeal.  An individual who has made such a request shall have the right to present witnesses with relevant information provided the request is timely, made on the appeal form, and accompanied by a statement of relevance to the matters on appeal. The Traffic Appeals Committee shall govern proceedings and may question any witness. The Traffic Appeals Committee's decision is final and is one of the following:

  • Citation: dismissed, no fine is due.
  • Citation: upheld. This is a warning ticket, no fine is due.
  • Citation: upheld, the fine is excused due to mitigating circumstances.
  • Citation: upheld, a fine is due for the violation(s).

More information regarding citations can be found at

Please provide any additional information that was not included in your original appeal. The Traffic Appeals Committee has access to your original appeal.
Please provide any supporting documents for your appeal
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